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The 2021 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals lauched today

The Commission today adopted the first annual work programme of Erasmus+ 2021-2027. With a budget of €26.2 billion, (compared to €14.7 billion for 2014-2020), complemented with about €2.2 billion from EU’s external instruments, the new and revamped programme will fund learning mobility and cross-border cooperation projects for 10 million Europeans of all ages and all backgrounds. It will seek to be even more inclusive and to support the green and digital transitions, as set out in the European Education Area. Erasmus+ will also support the resilience of education and training systems in the face of the pandemic.


This call for proposals covers the following actions of the Erasmus+ Programme:

Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals:

  • Mobility of individuals in the fields of education, training and youth,
  • Youth participation Activities.

Key Action 2 (KA2) – Cooperation among organisations and institutions

  • Partnerships for Cooperation:
    • Cooperation Partnerships,
    • Small-scale Partnerships.
  • Partnerships for Excellence:
    • Centres for Vocational Excellence,
    • Erasmus+ Teacher Academies,
    • Erasmus Mundus Action.
  • Partnerships for Innovation:
    • Alliances for innovation.
  • Not-for-profit Sport Events

Key Action 3 (KA3) – Support to policy development and cooperation

  • European youth together.

Jean Monnet actions:

  • Jean Monnet in the field of higher education,
  • Jean Monnet in other fields of education and training.

Budget and duration of projects

The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 2 453,5 million:

Education and Training:


2 153,1 million



244,7 million



41,7 million

Jean Monnet:


14 million

Deadline for the submission of applications

All deadlines for submission of applications specified below are set at Brussels time.

Key Action 1

Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education

11 May at 12:00

Mobility of individuals in VET, school education and adult education fields

11 May at 12:00

Erasmus Accreditations in VET, school education and adult education

19 October at 12:00

Mobility of individuals in the field of youth

11 May at 12:00

Mobility of individuals in the field of youth

5 October at 12:00

Key Action 2

Cooperation partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth, except for those submitted by European NGOs

20 May at 12:00

Cooperation partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth submitted by European NGOs

20 May at 17:00

Cooperation partnerships in the field of sport

20 May at 17:00

Small-scale partnerships in the fields of education and training and youth

20 May at 12:00

Small-scale partnerships in the fields of education and training and youth

3 November at 12:00

Small-scale partnerships in the field of sport

20 May at 17:00

Centres of Vocational Excellence

7 September at 17:00

Erasmus Teacher Academies

7 September at 17:00

Erasmus Mundus Action

26 May at 17:00

Alliances for Innovation

7 September at 17:00

Capacity building in the field of youth

1 July at 17:00

Non-for-profit Sport Events

20 May at 17:00

Key Action 3

European Youth Together

24 June at 17:00

Jean Monnet Actions and Networks

2 June at 17:00

Full details

The detailed conditions of this call for proposals, including priorities, can be found in the 2021 Erasmus+ Programme Guide at the following internet address:

Previous Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Contact Seminar


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